Top 50 Online Schools with the Best Websites

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A well-executed web presence is one of many important components of a successful and high quality online school. We have ranked prestigious accredited online schools that have the best websites, based on information provided by the sites, organization, design and user experience.
In today’s world of speedy information, technology and ephemeral attention spans, having a well-designed and managed website is an increasingly crucial aspect of connecting and communicating with the target audience. Schools that have muddled, confusing and convoluted websites simply will not have the successful online presence schools with superior, easy-to-navigate websites enjoy.
And let’s face facts — if a school’s website is ugly, incomplete or dysfunctional, it’s hard to trust that its online programs will be satisfactory. We have ranked the top 50 online schools that put their best foot forward and make positive first impressions with their sites.
Blackboard and Online Schools

Most online schools utilize Blackboard, a versatile open platform system designed to improve online learning. With Blackboard, students can collaborate, receive important notifications and get access to course content and materials.
Blackboard also helps students create an “academic roadmap” to define career goals and provides connections crucial to job and internship opportunities.
Instructors can add apps to customize Blackboard for an optimum learning environment. Schools can gain valuable insight through comprehensive analytics and Blackboard also provides a one-card system for all campus transactions.
While style is subjective, we quantified and ranked individual high quality characteristics of these sites to determine their placement in our best websites rankings.
Congratulations to each school in the Top 50 for embodying excellence with elegant web design and function.
We have ranked top online school’s websites based on the following criteria:
- Quality of Information Provided (10%): Does the school provide quality information?;
- Quantity of Information Provided (10%): Is the information provided adequate?;
- Site Navigation (35%): Is it easy to find information on the site?;
- Site Functionality (35%): Does the site function well? and;
- Site Layout and Scheme (10%): Is the site pleasing to look at?
Also check out our ranking of the top 100 best online colleges here.
Top 50 Online Schools with the Best Websites:
50. Biola University

Biola University’s website is extremely modern in design approach. It doesn’t have too much going on, but at the same time, it manages to be very attractive and interactive. It serves as a great landing page if students are looking for information about the school’s history, degree programs, financial aid, and current university news and events.
Students can navigate to a variety of different sections full of the information they would need to make their school selection. The design is fun and upbeat even though the main colors are black and red. There any many sections on the homepage that highlight different things, and they all have their own scheme.
Information is presented with a pop, to keep people interested while informing them; and despite the interesting design, it loads fast. This is a perfect example of a school website done right.
Biola University’s Website:
49. Drexel University

Drexel University’s website is comprised of a cleverly designed front page with an unobtrusive sidebar. Due to this layout, the site captures a minimalist feeling while still allowing easy access to the large amount of information that the site provides overall.
Drexel’s site features an appealing yellow and dark blue color scheme with white text, which provides very easy readability without causing any eye strain. Access to links to the school’s social media pages, school news, school accreditation information and school history–among many others–is easily found on the front page, allowing for quick and simple access.
Drexel University’s Website:
48. Colorado State University

Colorado State University’s school site has a unique and charming feature that helps to single it out from other sites, a video highlighting many of the school’s programs, features and lovely campus. This video, while a simple thing in practice, is very well done and yet is unobtrusive. The video does not automatically play music or noise of any sort, which was a very smart decision on the page designer’s part. This was overall done very well and gives a glimpse into the heart of the school in a very smart way.
With this video, the front page of Colorado State University’s website features a very pleasing forest green and white color scheme and easy navigability to the school’s various informative pages that provide visitors with all of the key facts and features of the school.
Colorado State University’s Website:
School Profile
47. University of Alabama

The University of Alabama proves that they understand today’s college students by making their social media pages front-and-center on the front page. With the trendy line of “What’s Happening #TodayatUA” the school strives to stay connected with students on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and LinkedIn.
The strong social media presence that the school holds allows students to gain an informative insight into what the school life is like for students attending UA. In addition to this, the site features an eye-catching maroon and white color scheme, links to the school’s many resource and information pages and the site is very easy to navigate overall.
The University of Alabama’s Website:
46. Florida A&M University

Florida A&M University’s front page features the school’s numerous social events, news articles and links to informative pages ranging from the school’s history, accreditation, programs and photos and videos that portray the many aspects of student life at the school.
The site features an appealing orange and green color scheme that harkens back to the school’s roots of being a mostly agricultural school before becoming a liberal arts school, which is both refreshing and clever. At the bottom of the front page visitors will find a comprehensive collection of links that will provide them with all of the information that they could want, in an unobtrusive and clear manner.
Florida A&M University’s Website:
45. University of New Hampshire

The University of New Hampshire’s website, featuring a dark blue and white color scheme, has a solid and easy to navigate layout that makes finding information about the school very easy.
With readily available information about the school’s recent news, degree programs, history and rankings, the University of New Hampshire proves that they know what they are doing when it comes to designing a functional and appealing website that will strongly resonate with prospective and current students.
University of New Hampshire’s Website:
44. Louisiana State University (LSU)

Louisiana State University’s website, which features a yellow, purple and white color scheme, really knows how to make you feel like a part of the Tiger Family. With a collection of curated tweets about the school, virtual campus tours, information on how to successfully integrate into LSU’s student life and campus activities and information about the school’s scholarly programs; which include majors across 235 different academic fields, LSU’s site is easy to navigate and is fully comprehensive with the information provided.
Even though the layout and format is fully comprehensive, LSU’s site still has a strong minimalist feel that won’t overwhelm students. This minimalist feel is apt to appeal to a wide-range of prospective students.
Louisiana State University’s Website:
43. Kennesaw State University

Kennesaw State University’s website features many eye-catching pictures and an easy-to-navigate layout. With quick links to the school’s many ongoing and future events, the school’s numerous academic programs and to the school’s social media pages, everything is very easy to access in a quick manner.
The site also features a “text only” mode which can be invaluable for students that do not have a fast Internet connection or who are using an older computer. This feature, which is sadly not as common as it should be, is very useful and was a smart choice to include on the front page.
The colors featured on the site is an appealing gold and black scheme that makes everything pop.
Kennesaw State University’s Website:
42. Greenville Technical College

Greenville Technical College’s site is very intuitive and allows easy navigation. The website, featuring a green, purple and white color scheme, is very pleasant and has a very fluid feeling layout.
With quick links to the school’s academic programs, student life information, information for veterans, information for student’s parents and family and easily accessible school resources such as their bookstore and student records, the site has a bounty of comprehensive information for both current and prospective students. A well-designed map of the school’s various locations is smartly incorporated on the front page and the school’s contact information is readily available.
Greenville Technical College’s Website:
41. Princeton University

With easy-to-find links to the school’s social media sites, podcasts, school news and events, Princeton University’s website proves that the school has a strong social media presence.
The front page of Princeton’s site, featuring a color scheme of orange, black and white has a very minimalist feel to it and finding information on it is very easy. All the information provided is highly comprehensive and easy-to-understand.
The site’s home page features a strong highlight on the school’s news and events–both upcoming and current–which helps to keep students connected with what’s going on.
Princeton University’s Website:
40. University of Massachusetts Amherst

The University of Massachusetts Amherst’s website has a very clean feel to it due to the color scheme of maroon and white with black text. This clean feeling provides a very easy-to-navigate experience to current and prospective students and their families.
The front page of the website provides relevant and easy-to-parse information including important campus news alerts, ongoing research articles and quick links to information for all aspects of the school such as academic programs, links to the school’s social media pages, information on upcoming and ongoing school events and a page detailing the school’s commitment to providing an inclusive and diverse educational experience.
University of Massachusetts Amherst’s Website:
39. Boston University

Boston University’s front page has a sleek, clean and minimalist feel to it, which makes finding the information you’re looking for incredibly easy. The layout and color scheme featured is highly appealing and draws the viewer’s eye to important information such as the school’s news, events, research articles and information about the school’s campus.
All of the comprehensive information that is provided on the website is available through the use of a well designed and implemented drop-down list. This drop-down list is very responsive and convenient.
In addition to the quick links in the drop-down list that take students to whatever page they need, designers also included links for the top searched topics, which is a convenient function.
Boston University’s Website:
38. Northeastern University

Northeastern University’s website is an excellent example of a well-designed and fully functional site. The site features links to comprehensive and informative topics relating to the school, such as the academics that are available at the school, the school’s research topics, the admission process and requirements and the school’s news and events.
All of these topics can be navigated to from the front page, which features a polished and clean looking format and color scheme of red and gray with white text that really stands out and doesn’t cause eye strain for the reader. Overall, Northeastern University’s site is highly responsive, comprehensive and easy-to-navigate.
Northeastern University’s Website:
37. Florida State University (FSU)

Florida State University’s website, which features a pleasant maroon and white color scheme, is very easy to navigate and is highly responsive.
With handy links to the school’s academics, admissions requirements and process, research topics, faculty information and information for veterans all placed on the top bar for quick access, finding information on this school’s site is a breeze.
We particularly liked how the school’s front page provides quick access to the national and international recognition that they have received through various rankings the school has been a part of, and the many school highlights that make Florida State University a high-quality provider of higher education.
Florida State University’s Website:
36. University of South Carolina

The University of South Carolina’s website, featuring a bold red and black color scheme, has a very easy-to-navigate layout with a comprehensive list of quick links to various pages of school information. These links are all neatly tucked away at the bottom of the page, allowing a photograph of the school’s campus to be front-and-center.
The website also utilizes a highly responsive top bar that hides itself away when the viewer starts to scroll down the page. The pages that can be navigated to from the front page all have very comprehensive and easy-to-parse information detailing everything that a student would want to know about the various aspects of the school.
The University of South Carolina’s Website:
35. University of California, Berkeley

The University of California, Berkeley’s site is very appealing for a number of reasons. The site’s color scheme is comprised of a pleasant navy blue and white, and features tasteful geometric shapes which further highlights the appealing nature of the color scheme and site layout.
Many links can be found on the front page and are easily accessible. These links include the school’s social media sites, admissions information, the school’s academic offerings, school history and information including the school’s accreditation, the school’s current research findings and information about the kind of experience that attending students will be a part of.
Visitors will also be able to easily find a link to the school’s blog on the front page.
The University of California, Berkeley’s Website:
34. University of Central Florida

The University of Central Florida’s website has a very clean and modern feel to it. With a minimalist color scheme–with white being the prominent color and splashes of color from various pictures and the site’s top menu bar making everything pop–and an easy-to-navigate layout, the site is very visually appealing.
Included on the front page, in addition to many quick links to information pages, is a handy weather tool-tip, a search bar and links to the school’s many social media sites.
At the time of writing, the site features a link to a list of ten facts about the Pegasus constellation, which we feel was a clever tie-in to the school’s mascot which is the Pegasus.
The University of Central Florida’s Website:
33. Alabama State University

Alabama State University’s front page includes an interactive picture that provides information about various on-campus structures such as The Bell Tower, the Campus Gateway and the Levi Watkins Learning Center, among others.
In addition to this interactivity, the front page also provides a comprehensive list of links that will take viewers to the many informative pages about various aspects of the school.
The front page, which features a gold and black color scheme, also provides quick access to the school’s many social media sites, admissions process, program costs and financial aid information and many other useful links.
Alabama State University’s Website:
32. Florida Institute of Technology

Florida Institute of Technology’s website, which features a red, white and gray color scheme, is highly responsive, easy-to-navigate and pleasing to look at.
The school’s social media sites are easy-to-find and there’s even a section for the school’s mobile apps.
With easy-to-access information ranging across a myriad of topics such as the school’s admissions process and requirements, the school’s offered academics, the school’s history and statistics and the school’s ongoing research topics, Florida Institute of Technology’s website is very well-designed. All of these topics offer readers highly comprehensive information.
Florida Institute of Technology’s Website:
31. Georgia State University

Georgia State University’s website, which features a blue, white and red color scheme, is highly responsive, easy-to-navigate and fully comprehensive.
With easy-to-access quick links to the school’s admissions process and requirements, school history and facts, ongoing research topics, the school’s social media sites, athletics information and data on the school’s Global Engagement opportunities that give students an option to study abroad, readers will be able to find any information that they desire quickly and easily.
In addition to these quick links, near the bottom of the school’s front page also details the positive things that have been said about the Georgia State University in various publications.
Georgia State University’s Website:
30. University of Illinois Springfield

The University of Illinois at Springfield’s website has a very intuitive design. This design is very easy to navigate and is very appealing to the eye.
The website, which features a blue and white color scheme and utilizes magenta, green and yellow to highlight different sections, is set-up in a manner that draws the reader’s eye to each area in a non-intrusive manner.
On the front page, readers will be able to quickly access various informative pages pertaining to various aspects of the school, such as the school’s available academics, the school’s history and facts, social media platforms, the school’s admissions process and requirements, information about campus life and the surrounding community.
The University of Illinois at Springfield’s Website:
29. Rochester Institute of Technology

Rochester Institute of Technology’s website, which features a gray and orange color scheme draped over a white backdrop, has an overall very appealing look to it due to it’s sleek and clean design layout.
With a directory link, a search bar located at the top of the page and numerous links available on the front page, visitors are provided with links to the school’s multiple social media pages, information about the school’s history and other school facts, the school’s admissions process and requirements, available academics programs, current and recent news stories and Rochester Institute of Technology’s ongoing research topics.
Finding information on Rochester Institute of Technology’s website is very convenient and easy.
Rochester Institute of Technology’s Website:
28. University of Kentucky

The University of Kentucky’s website proclaims “Discover what it means to see blue,” and it’s very easy to achieve this task with the very friendly blue and white color scheme. This color scheme is not only easy on the eyes, but–in conjunction with the comprehensive information available about all aspects of the school–viewers really will discover what it means to see blue.
The University of Kentucky’s front page has a professional and clean layout that makes navigating it very easy and enjoyable. With easy-to-find links to the school’s social media sites, the admissions process, academics and many other informative pages, this school’s website is fantastic.
The University of Kentucky’s Website:
27. Regis University

With a yellow and blue color scheme, Regis University’s website really stands out and is very eye-catching.
The site’s layout is very easy to navigate and has links to pages containing very detailed information for multiple facets of the school. These links include the school’s admissions process and requirements, history and facts, offered academics, school events and news, Regis University’s ongoing research topics, information for new and current students and links to the school’s many social media sites, among others.
All of the available information will answer most of the reader’s questions about the school and the information is very easily parsed.
Regis University’s Website:
26. New York Institute of Technology

New York Institute of Technology’s website is highly responsive, easy-to-navigate and pleasing to look at. Featuring a simple yellow and blue color scheme overlaid on a white background, responsive squiggles that underline the links on the top bar and lots of pictures, the school’s site has a very nice design and layout.
From the front page, readers can quickly and easily navigate to the many comprehensive information pages that cover many topics including the school’s admissions process and requirements, school history, the school’s social media sites, policies, events and news, as well as NYIT’s career services.
New York Institute of Technology’s Website:
25. Emory University

With a highlight on the school’s social media sites, arts and athletic programs and the school’s many distinctions, Emory University’s website has an excellent layout and format.
Featuring a gold and dark blue color scheme, the site is very enjoyable to view. Emory University’s website has many quick links available that will take viewers to highly comprehensive and informative pages that cover all facets of the school, from the offered academic programs to admissions process and requirements and even the school’s many libraries and online resources.
The front page also has a handy directory and search bar available for quickly finding any information that you could want.
Emory University’s Website:
24. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

The University of California, Los Angeles’ website, which features a blue, white and yellow color scheme, has readily available information about all aspects of the school that viewers can quickly and easily access.
Some of this easy-to-access information includes information about the school’s history and key facts, information about the school’s admissions process and requirements, information detailing the school’s available academic programs, current school news, ongoing UCLA research topics, information about the school’s faculty and alumni and many others. Viewers will also have easy access to links for the school’s various social media sites on the front page.
School’s Website:
23. Indiana University Bloomington

Indiana University Bloomington’s website is full of comprehensive and easy to parse information. In addition to this, it is also highly responsive and immersive.
The site, which features a maroon and white color scheme in addition to a video that highlights key aspects of the school, makes it incredibly easy to find any information about the school that you could want.
Some quick and easy to access topics includes the school’s academic programs, current and ongoing events and news articles, ongoing research topics, information about the school’s history and key facts and details about the school’s admissions process and requirements for new students and transfer students.
Indiana University Bloomington’s Website:
22. Oregon State University

Oregon State University’s website, which features a predominately orange and white color scheme with other color splashes thrown in to highlight key areas, is a very well-designed site with many photos and a lot of comprehensive information.
With easy-to-access information detailing the school’s storied history and key facts, the admissions process and requirements for both new and transfer students, available academics programs, outreach programs and OSU’s current events and news, the website provides readers with everything that they will need to show them how great of a school Oregon State University is.
Oregon State University’s Website:
21. Regent University

Regent University’s website, which features a pleasing and appealing navy blue and green color scheme, highlights national recognition the school has received.
This Christian-based school also provides easy-to-access links to information pages for various aspects of the school, such as admissions process and requirements, the school’s available academics programs and current news articles and events.
At the bottom of the front page, the school maintains an “Encouragement of the Day” section where readers are provided with an encouraging passage from the Bible. Viewers will also be able to readily find a school directory, links to the school’s social media sites and information about the school’s history, among other topics.
Regent University’s Website:
20. Missouri State University

Missouri State University’s website looks good while wearing the school’s colors, maroon and white. This color scheme is very appealing and makes viewing the site easy on the eyes.
Missouri State University’s front page includes a highly intuitive and responsive drop-down list on the top bar that will take students to various highly informative and comprehensive pages that will provide them with all of the information they could want on various aspects of the school, such as the admissions process and admissions requirements, various available academic programs, the school’s history and current news articles, along with ongoing school events and the school’s various research topics.
Missouri State University’s Website:
19. University of Southern Mississippi (Southern Miss)

The University of Southern Mississippi’s website, which features a gray and white color scheme, is very clean, sophisticated and modern looking. The layout is easy-to-navigate and to read, and the site’s front page features easy-to-access links to various informative pages that detail all aspects about the school.
These readily available links include links to the school’s history and facts, the school’s admissions process and requirements for new and transfer students, the school’s myriad of available academic programs, the school’s current news articles and events and many ongoing research topics.
The site utilizes the color yellow to highlight important links, which is a great way to raise visibility of them and to draw the viewer’s eye to them.
The University of Southern Mississippi’s Website:
18. Dakota State University (DSU)

Dakota State University’s website, which features a blue and yellow color scheme, is a fine example of a well designed website. The site is highly responsive, intuitive and easy-to-navigate.
Each page available on the site provides a ton of very comprehensive information detailing all aspects about the school, such as the school’s history, easy to understand admissions requirements and process, the school’s various academic programs across a wide-range of fields, current news articles and research topics and DSU’s top-notch athletic programs.
All-in-all, Dakota State University has a very well-designed website.
Dakota State University’s Website:
17. University of Memphis

The University of Memphis’ website, which features a very attractive blue and white color scheme, has many aspects that lends to the overall clean and sleek feel of the site.
The website has easy-to-access links to various informative pages that detail key aspects of the school, such as the admissions process and requirements for both new students and transfer students, current news articles and school events, the school’s various academic programs that are available, social media site links and online resources.
Viewers will also be able to quickly access a directory page and utilize a search bar that is available at the top of the site’s front page.
The University of Memphis’ Website:
16. Lamar University

Lamar University’s website is both easy-to-navigate and highly comprehensive. The site, which features a black and white color scheme with red highlights, utilizes various pictures that highlight the school but do not inundate the page; making it just the right amount of stimulating and eye-catching.
The crux of the website is the school’s “Texas State of Mind” which emphasizes the school’s sense of community, independent spirit and attitude of determination. The general layout of the site is very clean and professional looking, and there’s many informative links available on the front page that will take viewers to pages detailing various aspects of the school such as the school’s admissions process and the school’s available academic programs.
Lamar University’s Website:
15. Brown University

Brown University maintains a highly sleek and clean website that features a red, brown and white color scheme. Viewers of the school’s website will be able to quickly and easily access various informative pages about the various aspects of the school, such as the admissions process and requirements, the school’s available academic programs, the school’s current news and events, the school’s athletics information and Brown’s ongoing research topics.
Each of these pages contains highly detailed information that will provide readers with a strong understanding of what the school is all about.
Overall, Brown University’s website is very well-designed and will appeal to a wide audience.
Brown University’s Website:
14. East Carolina University

East Carolina University’s website, which features a purple, yellow and white color scheme, has many informative topics that can be quickly accessed by the site’s viewers on the site’s main page. Some of these topics include the school’s admissions process and requirements for both first-time students and transfer students, the available academic programs, the school’s current news articles and ongoing events and information for the school’s hospital’s patients.
Readily available at the top of each of the website’s pages is a directory link and a handy search bar. Each of the site’s pages are full of comprehensive and easy-to-digest information, and the overall layout of the site is very well done.
East Carolina University’s Website:
13. University of Missouri (Mizzou)

The University of Missouri’s website has a great overall layout. The site, which has a gold, black and white color scheme, features many easy-to-access links that will take readers to various highly informative pages that encompass various aspects of the school, such as the school’s admissions process and requirements, the school’s various available academic programs, current news stories and events and the school’s history and key facts about the school.
The site in general is very well designed as a whole, and is a shining example of the heart of the University of Missouri.
The University of Missouri’s Website:
12. Washington State University

Washington State University’s website is an excellent example of a website that is well-designed. The site, which features a color scheme of red and white, has an excellent and compelling layout that is both easy-to-navigate and highly intuitive.
The main highlight on the front page are the many different academics that the school offers. Viewers can browse the available academic programs by area of study or alphabetically, all from the front page. Other easily accessible information pages includes pages on the school’s admissions process and admissions requirements, the school’s current news stories and events, athletics and the school’s history.
Washington State University’s Website:
11. Harvard University

Harvard University’s site has an overall red and white color scheme, but cleverly uses various splashes of color to highlight different key areas of the page. These areas include the school’s current news articles, the school’s current events, the school’s multimedia pages and the school’s social media sites.
In addition to this, viewers will be able to quickly and easily find information on the school’s history, academics, the school’s admissions policy and information about the school’s campus through the use of highly responsive links available on the top bar.
Harvard University’s Website:
10. Georgia Tech

The overall color scheme of Georgia Tech’s website is yellow and blue. The tab for the page includes a image of the Yellow Jacket, the school’s well-recognized mascot.
Readily available at the top of the school’s main page are the school’s various social media site links, a directory and a link to the campus map.
In addition to these, the front page also has links to an explanation of the admissions process, the school’s current news stories, the school’s various programs of study, the school’s history, the school’s ongoing research topics and the athletics program.
Overall, the website is very well-designed, intuitive, responsive and appealing to look at due to its clean layout and color scheme.
Georgia Tech’s Website:
9. Clemson University

Clemson University, which features a striking orange, purple and white color scheme, is overall a top-notch site.
The front page is highly comprehensive and informative, with details about the school’s ongoing events, current news and a section called “Clemson by the Numbers” which provides information such as school rankings and student satisfaction percentages.
Links to informative pages about the school’s various academic programs that are available, athletics information, the admissions process and the school’s ongoing research topics are also available through the front page, allowing for quick and easy access to these useful pages.
Clemson University’s Website:
8. Arizona State University

Arizona State University ensures that the school website’s viewers are able to quickly and easily find information on a wide variety of comprehensive topics covering various aspects of the school.
Some of these links include links to the pages for the school’s offered academics programs, current school news articles and events, ASU’s ongoing research topics, the school’s athletics and the About Arizona State University page ,which includes the school’s history, accreditation information and other key facts about the school.
Arizona State University’s Website:
7. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD)

Savannah College of Art and Design is, fittingly, a very well-designed and artistic looking website. At the top of the front page there are three tabs (Start Your Application, Browse Our Programs and Take a Virtual Tour) which fall out of sight when the viewer starts to scroll down. This animation is very fluid and clever.
Also featured on the front page are links to the school’s admissions process and requirements, history and key facts about SCAD (including accreditation), a search bar, information detailing current and upcoming events and links to download the school’s mobile app.
The site has a black, gray and white color scheme and utilizes splashes of red to highlight various aspects.
Savannah College of Art and Design’s Website:
6. Cornell University

Cornell University’s website, which features a red and white color scheme, is highly responsive and has an easy-to-navigate layout.
The predominant highlight on the front page are various school news articles and research articles. In addition to this, there are links that will lead viewers to informative pages about the school’s admissions process, offered academics, Cornell University’s research topics, the school’s impact on the community and the school’s history and key facts such as accreditation.
Overall, this school website is very well done, easy to navigate and pleasing to view.
Cornell University’s Website:
5. Yale University

Yale University’s website, which features a blue and white color scheme, has a very appealing layout and design.
Links that are handily available on the front page include links to the pages for the school’s admissions process and requirements for both new students and transfer students, the available academic programs, research topics, the school’s history and key facts and the school’s atmosphere as an attending student.
The front page puts a large highlight on the school’s ongoing events and news, and available at the bottom of the front page are links to the school’s various social media sites.
Yale University’s Website:
4. California Institute of Technology (CalTech)

California Institute of Technology’s website, which features an orange and white color scheme, is a very well designed, comprehensive and intuitive website.
The website’s main highlight is on the school’s current research articles. Also available on the site’s front page are links to the school’s admissions process and requirements, available academics, school history and news and events.
There’s a section titled “Discover More” which has a lot of very informative and comprehensive links that are absolutely great. These topics include the school in media, information about the school’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and information about the school’s leadership.
California Institute of Technology’s Website:
3. University of North Dakota (UND)

The University of North Dakota’s website, which features a pleasant green and orange color scheme, is a very intuitive and well-designed site overall.
Visitors will be able to quickly and easily access various informative pages that detail all aspects of the school, such as current news and events, the school’s admissions process and requirements for both first-time students and transfer students, UND’s various available academic programs, athletics department, ongoing research, as well as the school’s history and key facts, such as accreditation information.
The University of North Dakota’s Website:
2. University of Georgia (UGA)

The University of Georgia’s website is highly intuitive, well-designed and easy-to-navigate.
The main highlights on the website’s front page are current research and news topics and the school’s focus on one student and one teacher that has been proven to produce excellence.
The website, which features a red and black color scheme with highlights of white, also provides viewers with quick access to various parts of the site through readily available links. These links will take viewers to various pages including the school’s admissions requirements and process, the available areas of study, current news and research and the school’s history and other important facts.
There is also a search bar located at the top of the front page that viewers can easily utilize to find specific information.
The University of Georgia’s Website:
1. Texas State University

Texas State University’s website, which features an earth-tone color scheme with browns and off-whites, is very appealing to look at with the calming color scheme.
The website, which has very responsive drop-downs that contain various links, is the best designed site that we have found.
The information on each page is highly comprehensive, informative and easy-to-digest. The front page includes links to pages that encompass information about all aspects of the school and each aspect of the site is fully functional and responsive.
Everything that you could want from a school website is provided, including links to the school’s academics, admissions process and school history.
Links to the school’s various social media sites are provided at the bottom of the page, along with general contact information.
Overall, Texas State University’s website is absolutely robust and expertly designed. For those reasons, we have made it our top pick of 50 online schools with the best websites.
Texas State University’s Website:
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