Are There Many Education Doctorate Online Programs?

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Yes, there are many Education Doctorate Online programs for prospective students to choose from. Online education degrees are usually designed to accommodate the schedules of full-time teachers or administrators who want to maintain full-time employment while increasing their credentials for career advancement. The most common types of doctoral degrees in the field of education are the Ph.D. and the Doctorate of Education (Ed.D). There are a variety of schools offering online education Ph.D. programs degree programs, so applicants should be sure to research all of their options to find the best school for their professional and academic expectations. Let’s take a closer look at a few of the best options for Education Doctorate online programs.
The University of Florida
The University of Florida is a public research university that was founded in 1853 and is located in Gainesville, Florida. Their College of Education offers four different Ed.D. degrees for students to choose from: Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Instruction; Educational Leadership; Educational Technology; and Higher Education Administration. The Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Instruction doctorate program is specifically geared towards practicing teachers who want to take their abilities to the next level. Their Educational Leadership doctorate is designed for students who want to become school administrators. The Educational Technology doctorate is meant for students who want to conduct research into the cutting-edge tools that go into teaching students. The Higher Education Administration degree is designed for students who want to become administrators at a college or university.
John Hopkins University
John Hopkins University is a private research university that was founded in 1876 and is located in Baltimore, Maryland. The university’s School of Education offers an online Doctorate of Education degree that is designed for practicing educators. Students who are accepted to the online Ed.D. program will choose from one of three areas of concentration: the Entrepreneurial Leadership in Education concentration is designed to help students develop their skills to engage in building new venture opportunities in different educational organizations; the Mind, Brain, and Teaching specialization is designed for teachers who want to learn more about cognitive theories and neuroscience; and the Urban Leadership concentration is designed to help students understand the multicultural dynamics that go into urban school systems.
Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University is a private research university that was founded in 1873 and is located in Nashville, Tennessee. Vanderbilt’s Peabody College of Education and Human Development offers an online Doctor of Education degree that is designed for mid-career professionals like teachers or administrators to learn the skills that are required to become educational administrators at any level of education. Applicants are required to have completed a 30-credit Master’s degree in an education-related field, as the credits will count towards the 84 required credit hours needed for the doctoral degree. Students will complete the remaining 54 credit hours over a 3 or 4-year time period.