What is the best ACT prep to use?

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Simply put, the best ACT prep to use is the one that works for the student using it. While this answer may leave you thinking, “Of course – but how is this answer helpful?” You can continue reading to find out more about the different kinds of ACT prep available, such as:
- General Information Websites
- Practice Websites
- Online Quizzes
- Downloadable Practice Tests
- Newsletters or Daily Tips/Questions
- Phone or Tablet Applications
- Studying With Videos
- ACT prep courses
Many of these can be found by checking out our free tools and resources page for the best ACT prep.
General information websites include pages like ACT.org which is an excellent starting point to find out more about the test in general. There is also a free study guide and practice pages for each subject. If you need extra help, they can help you find that, too. Students have the option to purchase the Official ACT Prep Guide as well as online test prep services.
While the aforementioned ACT.org also has practice pages in different subjects, there are many other websites which feature ACT practice questions, like Powerscore.com for example. There are a lot of different choices and students can choose between practicing in all areas or finding websites that offer subject specialized practice in order to hone their skills in areas of weak performance.
Online quizzes and practice tests can be found in many places similar to practice pages, like Princeton Review or the aforementioned Powerscore. Practice tests can be particularly helpful since they will allow you to be familiar with the different sections of the test and the time limits that they have. Not only will you get to learn the material and which subjects you are strong or weak in, but it can help ease test anxiety by knowing more about what to expect and how long you can allow yourself to take for each question. Many websites also offer a question of the day or weekly emails to help students prepare for the ACT.
Whether you have an Android or an Apple device there is a multitude of apps available for ACT prep, and many of them are free or cheap! Not sure which one to pick? Check the app reviews, ask your teachers or counselors if they have any suggestions, or get suggestions from reputable blogs on the subject. ACT Prep and Practice app from iTunes and ACT Prep and Practice, Flashcards available in Google Play are two of the apps mentioned in our free ACT prep resource list if you are looking for somewhere to start.
Some people learn best by watching instructional videos, and fortunately, there are very many on platforms such as YouTube. From videos which are 10 minutes or less, helpful tips and hacks, and in-depth full-length videos, such as the ACT prepathon on the Kaplan ACT & SAT prep channel which is over six hours of instructional video. Whether you’re looking for a quick brush up, subject-specific video, or feel like taking on the prepathon, videos can be a terrific resource for ACT test prep.
Of course, you might be a student who has a lot of interest in participating in ACT prep classes, and there are more than a few places to check. You can look online at Princeton Review, which was mentioned above or Kaplan Test Prep, both of which have multiple programs varying in costs. You could also seek out recommendations locally from your school counselor or check with your library or community college.
If you found this helpful, you may also want to check out our SAT and ACT Test Prep Guide. If you are interested in attending college online, be sure to check out our list of the Top 100 Best Online Colleges and Online Colleges By Location for more information.